Ok, I think most of us have one, they tend to be very disorganized and cluttered, even for the most organized person. No I’m not talking about that kitchen “junk” drawer. I’m talking about that tool box that has all those tools, nails, screws, parts for things we can’t remember what they go to. Yeah I know, we all have them. Well I tend to use my toolbox regularly and it seems as though it has become more than an out of control mess. Its AWEFUL! Today I was trying to find a screw I KNEW I had in there, it was just finding it that was the headache. I’m a little embarrassed because I always try to keep things organized and tidy. Well my toolbox has never really been a factor, not sure why since I use it at least a dozen times a week! So here is what I did to make my tool box a little less chaotic and more useful for all my random pieces and parts.
I had previously put all the nails and screws into plastic bags (their boxes took up WAY too much space), but the bags really got annoying and a pain as well. I have redone my spice cabinet (I’ll do a post on that later, ITS AMAZING!) and something just kept telling me to keep the old spice bottles & Boy Oh Boy am I glad I did! I washed and dried those bottles (again) and new I had a great idea.
Use old spice bottles (especially the clear ones!) to hold all those nails, screws, bolts, drill bits, to not only keep it easily visible, but also less messy and chaotic. I also had a few mason jars left from my spice cabinet that I used for things that just wouldn’t fit in the old spice jars. Now my spice jars are plastic, but they look like glass. Mason jars, and glass spice jars I DO NOT recommend putting in the toolbox. I would put them in a clear storage box separately from any hardware and tools, I mean, thats a disaster WAITING to happen!
So (embarassingly enough) here is what my toolbox looked like before.
And here was the top tray
See! I told you! I had a MESS! But even in the mess I still new where everything was…….For the most part ;). LOL.
So here is the finished. No I didn’t leave the mason jar in there! And yes those plastic spice bottles look like glass, Please don’t put glass jars and bottles in the toolbox.
So Tell me, what do you Think? Way better huh!?
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