Freezing herbs and produce are so easy with an old ice cube tray. I’ve been doing this for awhile now (sorry I’m late sharing the tip) and love it, its so easy! I freeze everything this way now honestly from my cooked spinach to fresh herbs & even avocados (pictured)
I began doing this when I started eating healthy and adding avocados to my diet, I would get them on sale but they spoil VERY QUICKLY. When I froze them all at once I discovered that it wasn’t easy to get just a little out without thawing all of the avocado inside I had put in the same bag.
Its really simple, here’s how.
If your doing fresh herbs you can freeze them whole or chopped, just place them in water in the ice cubes. then put into freezer bag.
If your freezing produce such as avocados, or cooked spinach, just freeze them in the ice cube tray, then put them into freezer bags, try to remove as much air as you can (or vacuum seal them if you can)
if you want to freeze fruit, the best way if you don’t want to freeze them whole or cut up, is to blend them in your food processor, freeze them in the ice cube trays then put into freezer bags.
Its so easy and what I really like is that you don’t have such a mess trying to get a certain amount or have to thaw all of it just to get a little.
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